Thursday, December 22, 2011

Saturday, December 10, 2011

4th period: Current Event due 12/16

Welcome to the last blog post of 2011! How did that happen so quickly?

For your last current event assignment of the calendar year, please find an article that relates to the Executive Branch. This can cover President Obama, the GOP primary race, the Cabinet, Governor Perdue or any other executive topic. This should be a fun week to post and grade! :)

Make sure to get those current events in before the new deadline (thanks to some important Honors C&E legislation and an executive signature). 

Have a great week!

6th period: Current Event due 12/16

Welcome to the last blog post of 2011! How did that happen so quickly?

For your last current event assignment of the calendar year, please find an article that relates to the Executive Branch. This can cover President Obama, the GOP primary race, the Cabinet, Governor Perdue or any other executive topic. This should be a fun week to post and grade! :)

Make sure to get those current events in before the new deadline (thanks to some important Honors C&E legislation and an executive signature). 

Have a great week!

7th period: Current Event due 12/16

Welcome to the last blog post of 2011! How did that happen so quickly?

For your last current event assignment of the calendar year, please find an article that relates to the Executive Branch. This can cover President Obama, the GOP primary race, the Cabinet, Governor Perdue or any other executive topic. This should be a fun week to post and grade! :)

Make sure to get those current events in before the new deadline (thanks to some important Honors C&E legislation and an executive signature).

Have a great week!

Bonus Blogger!

Do you want 2 points added to your last test?  If so, take this 10 question quiz and post your results.

In order to receive the bonus points,
1. Click on the link and take the quiz.
2. Post a comment that includes your
     a) name/period
     b) top three presidential matches
     c) your take on the match-up...what do YOU think paralleled you with the presidential results and
         how do you feel about it?

I found this quiz to be very interesting, hopefully you will, too! :)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

4th: Current Event due 12/9

Great job with your current events last week. I think that those House and Senate floor debates served as great reminders for your homework. :) This week in class, we will be bringing the Legislative Branch to a close and gearing up for the Executive Branch. In honor of these fantastic topics, you will chose an article dealing with Congress/General Assembly or the Presidency. This includes, but is not limited to, information about legislators, specific pieces of legislation, actions of President Obama or the GOP candidates/debates. Have a great week and do not forget that we have a test on the Legislative Branch (Thursday for 4th and 6th and Friday for 7th). STUDY! :)

6th: Current Event due 12/9

Great job with your current events last week. I think that those House and Senate floor debates served as great reminders for your homework. :) This week in class, we will be bringing the Legislative Branch to a close and gearing up for the Executive Branch. In honor of these fantastic topics, you will chose an article dealing with Congress/General Assembly or the Presidency. This includes, but is not limited to, information about legislators, specific pieces of legislation, actions of President Obama or the GOP candidates/debates. Have a great week and do not forget that we have a test on the Legislative Branch (Thursday for 4th and 6th and Friday for 7th). STUDY! :)

7th period: Current Event due 12/9

Great job with your current events last week. I think that those House and Senate floor debates served as great reminders for your homework. :) This week in class, we will be bringing the Legislative Branch to a close and gearing up for the Executive Branch. In honor of these fantastic topics, you will chose an article dealing with Congress/General Assembly or the Presidency. This includes, but is not limited to, information about legislators, specific pieces of legislation, actions of President Obama or the GOP candidates/debates. Have a great week and do not forget that we have a test on the Legislative Branch (Thursday for 4th and 6th and Friday for 7th). STUDY! :)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

4th period: Current Event due 12/2

This week in C&E we will continue our study of the Legislative Branch. Find and write about an article that deals with our legislative bodies at either the state (General Assembly) or national (Congress) level. You may write about a piece of legislation, a particular representative or any other article that deals with our legislators. Check out the News&Observer for state level government or any national news site for updates about Congress (click on POLITICS to find out more). Yay, Article I! Have a great week. :)

6th period: Current Event due 12/2

This week in C&E we will continue our study of the Legislative Branch. Find and write about an article that deals with our legislative bodies at either the state (General Assembly) or national (Congress) level. You may write about a piece of legislation, a particular representative or any other article that deals with our legislators. Check out the News&Observer for state level government or any national news site for updates about Congress (click on POLITICS to find out more). Yay, Article I! Have a great week. :)

7th period: Current Event due 12/2

This week in C&E we will continue our study of the Legislative Branch. Find and write about an article that deals with our legislative bodies at either the state (General Assembly) or national (Congress) level. You may write about a piece of legislation, a particular representative or any other article that deals with our legislators. Check out the News&Observer for state level government or any national news site for updates about Congress (click on POLITICS to find out more). Yay, Article I! Have a great week. :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

4th: Current Event Assignment due 11/18

There is a lot going on in C&E this week. We have the Iron Jawed Angels reflection due on Monday, a quiz on the Constitution on Tuesday and a current event due on Friday. For this week's assignment, I would like you to find an article that deals with individual rights/liberties or can be connected to any of the 27 amendments in some way. This should give you a wide range of material...anything that involves an individual person or freedoms granted (or not granted) by the government should work. Be creative in your connection to the assignment and find something that is interesting to you. I cannot wait to read your posts. :) Don't you just love the Constitution? Have a great week. 

p.s. Check out the bonus assignment on founding fathers below if you want to give your grade a little boost. 

6th: Current Event Assignment due 11/18

There is a lot going on in C&E this week. We have the Iron Jawed Angels reflection due on Monday, a quiz on the Constitution on Tuesday and a current event due on Friday. For this week's assignment, I would like you to find an article that deals with individual rights/liberties or can be connected to any of the 27 amendments in some way. This should give you a wide range of material...anything that involves an individual person or freedoms granted (or not granted) by the government should work. Be creative in your connection to the assignment and find something that is interesting to you. I cannot wait to read your posts. :) Don't you just love the Constitution? Have a great week. 

p.s. Check out the bonus assignment on founding fathers below if you want to give your grade a little boost. 

7th Current Event: due 11/18

There is a lot going on in C&E this week. We have the Iron Jawed Angels reflection due on Monday, a quiz on the Constitution on Tuesday and a current event due on Friday. For this week's assignment, I would like you to find an article that deals with individual rights/liberties or can be connected to any of the 27 amendments in some way. This should give you a wide range of material...anything that involves an individual person or freedoms granted (or not granted) by the government should work. Be creative in your connection to the assignment and find something that is interesting to you. I cannot wait to read your posts. :) Don't you just love the Constitution? Have a great week. 

p.s. Check out the bonus assignment on founding fathers below if you want to give your grade a little boost. 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

4th, 6th and 7th: Do you want two bonus points added to your Constitution quiz?

Remember that we have a quiz on Tuesday covering the Constitution (structure, function, amendment process, amendments 1-27).

Take this quiz:  and respond to the following for up to 2 bonus points--

1. Your name
2. According to the quiz, which founding father would you have voted for?
3. Tell us a little bit about the founding father that would have received your vote.
4. Briefly explain WHY you were matched up with the ff in #3 (according the the quiz, why would you   have voted for that particular candidate?).

Remember that many of the founding fathers in the quiz did not actually run for the office of the President (yay, executive branch and Article II). However, each of them did play an instrumental role in the foundation of our government.

This response, along with the current event assignment for this week, must be completed by 4pm on Friday. :)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

4th period: Current Event, due 11/4

This week we will be discussing federalism, amendments to the Constitution and the amendment process. The Constitution is so amazing---your current event should be, too. :) Your topic this week is: your choice. Please stay away from the Entertainment news (it is NOT that entertaining), but everything else goes. Remember to find a story that interests you...that way it will interest me, too. Happy Blogging! 

6th period: Current Event due 11/4

This week we will be discussing federalism, amendments to the Constitution and the amendment process. The Constitution is so amazing---your current event should be, too. :) Your topic this week is: your choice. Please stay away from the Entertainment news (it is NOT that entertaining), but everything else goes. Remember to find a story that interests you...that way it will interest me, too. Happy Blogging! 

7th period: Current Event due 11/4

This week we will be discussing federalism, amendments to the Constitution and the amendment process. The Constitution is so amazing---your current event should be, too. :) Your topic this week is: your choice. Please stay away from the Entertainment news (it is NOT that entertaining), but everything else goes. Remember to find a story that interests you...that way it will interest me, too. Happy Blogging! 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

4th period: Current Event due 10/21

This week in C&E we will begin discussion the Constitution. Yay, I love the Constitution! Perhaps you will learn to love it, too. :) Your current event this week should be about compromise. The Constitution itself is made up of a series of compromises and has a built-in flexibility that allows for compromises to be made in the future. Look for an article that discusses some sort of agreement made between two or more parties; the article may be about politics, but can certainly involve social or economic issues as well. Happy hunting...I cannot wait to see what you find!

6th period: Current Event due 10/21

This week in C&E we will begin discussion the Constitution. Yay, I love the Constitution! Perhaps you will learn to love it, too. :) Your current event this week should be about compromise. The Constitution itself is made up of a series of compromises and has a built-in flexibility that allows for compromises to be made in the future. Look for an article that discusses some sort of agreement made between two or more parties; the article may be about politics, but can certainly involve social or economic issues as well. Happy hunting...I cannot wait to see what you find!

7th period: Current Event due 10/21

This week in C&E we will begin discussion the Constitution. Yay, I love the Constitution! Perhaps you will learn to love it, too. :) Your current event this week should be about compromise. The Constitution itself is made up of a series of compromises and has built-in flexibility that allows for compromises to be made in the future. Look for an article that discusses some sort of agreement made between two or more parties; the article may be about politics, but can certainly involve social or economic issues as well. Happy hunting...I cannot wait to see what you find!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Which Founder are You? (4th, 6th and 7th)

For a few extra bonus points on your next test (it's Thursday....STUDY!) click on the link below and take the quiz from the Constitution Center:

After completing the quiz, you will be matched up with one of our Founding Fathers. Read a little bit about him (click on the "read more" tab at the conclusion of the quiz) and post your results. Be sure to list a) your name b) your founding father c) a few details about the FF and a sentence or two about why he might have been selected by the computer (i.e. how are YOU like him).

This is an optional assignment but, if done well, will help your grade and help me and your classmates to know a little more about you and one of our Founding Fathers. :)

This bonus must be completed by Friday at 4pm in order to be considered for extra credit.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

6th period: Current Event due 10/7

Great job finding interesting articles, C&E! Because I was so inspired by your unique topics last week, I have decided to make the topic for this week's current event your choice. Happy blogging...I cannot wait to read your posts! :)

4th period: Current Event due 10/7

Great job finding interesting articles, C&E! Because I was so inspired by your unique topics last week, I have decided to make the topic for this week's current event your choice. Happy blogging...I cannot wait to read your posts! :)

7th period: Current Event due 10/7

Great job finding interesting articles, C&E! Because I was so inspired by your unique topics last week, I have decided to make the topic for this week's current event your choice. Happy blogging...I cannot wait to read your posts! :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

4th period: Current Event due 9/30

This week in C&E we will be discussing the foundations of American Government and the ideas, documents and people that influenced our Founding Fathers. For your current events assignment, I would like you to find an article that deals with influences or new ideas. Your article could deal with scientific, political, social/personal, economic or philosophical ideas or influences. In United States history, our best national ideas are borrowed from somewhere else...find an article that deals with new ideas or the current borrowing of old ideas. There should be a wide variety of posts this week. Articles are generally written about new stuff, so go and find something amazing. I cannot wait to read about your discoveries. :) Happy Blogging. 

6th period: Current Event due 9/30

This week in C&E we will be discussing the foundations of American Government and the ideas, documents and people that influenced our Founding Fathers. For your current events assignment, I would like you to find an article that deals with influences or new ideas. Your article could deal with scientific, political, social/personal, economic or philosophical ideas or influences. In United States history, our best national ideas are borrowed from somewhere else...find an article that deals with new ideas or the current borrowing of old ideas. There should be a wide variety of posts this week. Articles are generally written about new stuff, so go and find something amazing. I cannot wait to read about your discoveries. :) Happy Blogging. 

7th period: Current Event due 9/30

This week in C&E we will be discussing the foundations of American Government and the ideas, documents and people that influenced our Founding Fathers. For your current events assignment, I would like you to find an article that deals with influences or new ideas. Your article could deal with scientific, political, social/personal, economic or philosophical ideas or influences. In United States history, our best national ideas are borrowed from somewhere else...find an article that deals with new ideas or the current borrowing of old ideas. There should be a wide variety of posts this week. Articles are generally written about new stuff, so go and find something amazing. I cannot wait to read about your discoveries. :) Happy Blogging. 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

4th period: Current event due 9/23

This week in C&E we will be bringing our study of the American Colonial Era to a close and gearing up for the Revolution! To prepare us for our study of the American Revolution, the current event topic this week is political change. Remember, a revolution is nothing more than a change. Find and then report on an article that deals with some type of political change or transition. You can focus on events here in the United States or look abroad.  Internationally, there are many uprisings and revolutions going on right now! Have a great week and happy hunting. I can't wait to read about your findings. :)

6th period: Current event due 9/23

This week in C&E we will be bringing our study of the American Colonial Era to a close and gearing up for the Revolution! To prepare us for our study of the American Revolution, the current event topic this week is political change. Remember, a revolution is nothing more than a change. Find and then report on an article that deals with some type of political change or transition. You can focus on events here in the United States or look abroad.  Internationally, there are many uprisings and revolutions going on right now! Have a great week and happy hunting. I can't wait to read about your findings. :)

7th period: Current event due 9/23

This week in C&E we will be bringing our study of the American Colonial Era to a close and gearing up for the Revolution! To prepare us for our study of the American Revolution, the current event topic this week is political change. Remember, a revolution is nothing more than a change. Find and then report on an article that deals with some type of political change or transition. You can focus on events here in the United States or look abroad.  Internationally, there are many uprisings and revolutions going on right now! Have a great week and happy hunting. I can't wait to read about your findings. :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

4th period: Current Event due 9/16

This week in Civics&Economics we will be learning about Colonial America. In honor of that exciting time period, I would like you to find an current article that centers one of the major cities from the Colonial period.

Your choices include Boston, Massachusetts (representing New England), New York City or Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (from the Middle Colonies), or Charleston, South Carolina (from the Southern Colonies).

Find a current event that takes place in one of those population centers and post your findings to the blog. Don't forget to stick to the format and use the rubric in your notebook to earn full credit. This topic gives you a lot of latitude, so I expect a good variety of interesting articles.

Happy Blogging.

6th period: Current Event due 9/16

See 4th period post. Comment here! :)

7th Period: Current Event due 9/16

See 4th period post. Comment here! :)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

4th period: First Current Event Assignment, due 9/2

The topic for this week's assignment is your choice. Please refrain from using sports or entertainment articles. Make sure to use a current and reputable source and find something that interests you. Your post should adhere to the following format:

-Your name/class period
-Title of article/author
-Source/date of article
-URL (your classmates will be able to copy and paste this in order to see your article)

Paragraph #1:
-Summary of article (minimum of 5 sentences that detail who/what, when, where, why significant) 

Paragraph #2:
-Reflection/Opinion (minimum of 3 sentences)
-supporting facts/personal experiences
-relate the current event to what we've been studying in class (if applicable--this will only apply on the weeks where specific topics are assigned)
-pose questions/concerns about the event

Hint: I strongly encourage you to type your current event response into a google/word doc first. You can then copy/paste your assignment into blogger. This will enable you to check your spelling/grammar and also prevent losing your work in the event of a computer error. Blogger is NOT perfect and has been known to crash mid sentence. Remember that you can always e-mail me your assignment if you are having trouble with blogger.

Have fun finding an interesting current event and I cannot wait to read about your discoveries! :)

6th period: First Current Event Assignment, due 9/2

See the prompt listed above and use the current events assignment page/rubric provided in class. Remember, your response must be posted by Friday at 4 pm in order to receive credit.

7th period: First Current Event Assignment, due 9/2

See the prompt listed above and use the current events assignment page/rubric provided in class. Remember, your response must be posted by Friday at 4 pm in order to receive credit. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Welcome to Honors Civics and Economics!

I hope that you had a wonderful summer and are ready for an action-packed school year. Our study of US government, politics and economics will include weekly current events assignments beginning next week. Stay posted for your topic and a sample response. Each week, the blog will be updated by Sunday evening and all posts will be due the following Friday by 4 pm. Happy blogging!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Bonus: End of the year reflecting...

By answering this prompt, you can earn up to three points of extra credit (they will be added onto your lowest grade in 4th quarter). 

What was your favorite TOPIC that we learned about this year? Why?

What was your favorite WAY to learn? Why?

If you could change anything about this year in Honors C&E, what would it be? Why?

Do you have any additional comments about the class?

Thanks for a great year. You all did very well on the EOC and I thoroughly enjoyed teaching you! Have a wonderful summer and please come back and see me next year. :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Time to review! Play some games!

Check out these links to review for the EOC. Copy and paste the URL for a game that covers something that you need to review and get to work! Remember, this test counts for 25% of your grade and could REALLY improve your overall average for the class. Prepare yourself and you will do well. :)

Goal 1 Foundations of the American Political System 
Fundamental Principles Matching 

Fundamental Principles Millionaire 

Early Documents and Principles Matching 

Foundations of Government Matching 

Fundamental Principles Flashcards 
Constitutional Government Millionaire 
Citizenship Crossword 

Federalism - Fling the Teacher 

Government Match Up 

Preamble Match 

Foundations of American Government – Penalty Shootout 

Foundations of American Government – Walk the Plank 

Goal 2 American Government 

Government 101 Flashcards 

Duties of Government Flashcards 

Federalism – Penalty Shootout 

State and Local Government – Fling the Teacher 

Branches of Government – Walk the Plank 

Branches of Government – Penalty Shootout 2 

Branches of Government – Grade or No Grade 

Goal 3  North Carolina State and Local Governments 

State and Local Government – Fling the Teacher 

State and Local Government – Grade or No Grade 

Goal 4 Roles of Citizens 
Political Parties – Walk the Plank 

Political Parties – Hoop Shoot 

Political Parties – Penalty Shootout 
Political Parties – Fling the Teacher 

Goal 6 Enactment, Implementation, and Enforcement of Laws 
Law – Grade or No Grade 

Law – Fling the Teacher 

Law – Penalty Shootout 

Law – Walk the Plank 

Goal 7  Economic Choices 
Economics Millionaire 
Basic Economics - Fling the Teacher 
Basic Economics – Hoop Shoot 
Basic Economics – Grade or No Grade 

Basic Economics – Walk the Plank 
Basic Economics – Penalty Shootout 
Economics Crossword 

Mini Quiz (True/False) 

Goal 8 The Economic System of the United States 
Economics Systems Flashcards 

Economics Systems Matching 

Types of Businesses Flash Cards 

Types of Businesses Millionaire 
Types of Businesses - Fling the Teacher 

Government and the Economy Flashcards 
Types of Businesses – Hoop Shoot 

Types of Businesses – Grade or No Grade 

Goal 9 Factors That Influence the United States Economy 
Influences on the US Economy – Grade or No Grade 

Influences on the US Economy – Hoop Shoot 

Influences on the US Economy – Multiple Choice Quiz 

Influences on the US Economy – Penalty Shootout 
Government and the Economy – Fling the Teacher 
Government and the Economy – Grade or No Grade 
Government and the Economy – Hoop Shoot 

Government and the Economy – Penalty Shootout 

Government and the Economy – Walk the Plank 

Review Questions

Sample Questions by Goal 

DPI Sample Test Questions 

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Sadly for me (maybe not so much for you), this is your last required current event posting of the year. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your current events from week to week and will truly miss hearing your perspectives. I hope that you have a learned a little bit about the world, yourself and your classmates along the way...I know that I have. Thanks for the insight, C&E. For your last posting, the topic is your choice. Finish strong! :)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Current event due 5/6

Happy May, everybody! Last week there were a few technical issues with the blog. Remember that you can always e-mail me your current event or hand in a hard copy...the deadline is still 4pm on Friday, regardless of how much computers try to ruin our lives. This week (the second to the last one of the year, what???), please read and respond to an article on the topic of your choice. Have fun and find something interesting for all of us.


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Current Event, due April 29

Welcome to the last current event posting of April. You did a wonderful job last week finding great articles on macroeconomics. This week, find an article on the topic of your choice...civics, economics, or better yet, one the brings the two together. Find something that interests you and share it with us.

I am really going to miss reading your current events. Only 3 more postings and then you're finished for the year.  Make them good. :)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Current Event, due April 22nd

This week in Economics, we will begin our section on Macroeconomics. We will discuss economic challenges, Labor Unions, types of competition and ways to measure the health of the US economy (inflation, the unemployment rate and GDP). Find an article that relates to the economy as a whole; this can be about the US  or international economy. Make sure to summarize the information, link the article AND relate what you read to what we have been studying in class. 

Happy Hunting! :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Current Event, due April 15th

Happy Tax Day! Although you are not old enough to engage in the full celebration of this landmark day, we can have our own fun with current events relating to Economics (how fitting! :)). This week, I would like you to read an article that deals with taxation/the federal budget, opportunity cost, law of diminishing returns (marginal utility) or supply and demand. This may seem like a challenge, but those are some very wide parameters. Remember to not only provide a summary of the article (and link) but also share with us your opinion and how the subject of your article relates to what we have been studying in class.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Current Event: April 8, 2011

Happy 4th Quarter in C&E. We have finally entered the Economics portion of the class. This week, I would like you to read a current event and post your summary/analysis on an article relating to economics. Feel free to focus on the United States or search internationally, but make sure that your article is on the money. :) Find something that interests you and share your knowledge with you classmates.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Last Current Event of 3rd Quarter! Due: 3/18

This is the very last current event posting for 3rd Quarter...can you believe it? :) This week's posting should be on the topic of your CHOICE or in response to one of your classmates' posts from the last few weeks. There is a lot going on in the world right now from budget issues and locked state legislative bodies to international crises in Asia, North Africa and the Middle East. Be a good world citizen and stay informed. I look forward to reading your posts.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Current Event DUE 3/11

Post them! :) Last week we had a record number of posts...maybe it was Uncle Sam???

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Current Event for 3/4

Happy March! Now march your way through another fantastic current event post on the same topic of your choice. :)  Even if you are not covering the Middle East/North Africa or world events, make sure to check out some of your classmates' posts. There is some MAJOR stuff going on abroad in the name of democratic freedoms. Stay informed! Happy posting.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Current Event, 2/25

Keep those current events coming! Many of you had computer difficulties last week. Try writing up your current event before Friday (just an idea). Remember, if you have issues with the computer/posting to the blog, e-mail me your post along with a link to your article or hand in a hard copy. Have a great week with your political parties and find some interesting current events from your areas of expertise! :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Current Event, 2/11

Great job with the posts last week, Civics! :) You are finding interesting and relevant articles and doing a great job with the summary component. Several of you need to make sure to relate the article to our class discussions/your own life. Don't lose points for deviating from the format. Keep up the good investigative work and make sure to check out your classmates' posts...they're really well written!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Current event, 2/4

Welcome to the first current event week in the shortest month of the year. Happy February. 
Your current events from last week came from a variety of topics ranging from science and space exploration to economics and human rights conditions...well done! I hope that you learn a lot about your chosen topic and become an expert over the next several weeks. Keep up the good work. I look forward to reading your findings this week! :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Current Event 1/28

Happy 3rd Quarter! For this 9 weeks, you are to pick a topic that you are interested in and become an expert on that topic through current events. Each week, your current event should cover the same topic, so choose wisely...pick something that you wouldn't mind reading about and reporting on for 9 weeks. A few suggestions: Healthcare, the Environment, NC politics, Court system, Economics, ect.

Have fun! :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Current Event, 1/7/11

Happy 2011! Welcome to en exciting new year of current events and special topics. :) This week we are beginning the Judicial Branch (3/3 on the tree...ha ha). For your current event post, please select something that has to do with the courts, court cases or the law. You should not have any problems tracking down a relevant article. HINT: Check out the crime report. Have fun finding something that interests you.